Sabtu, 02 Maret 2024

SEJARAH KEDOKTERAN NUKLIR 1 : Early Discoveries and Radioactive Elements (1896-1930)

Key figures like Henri Becquerel and Marie Curie played pivotal roles in unveiling the properties of radioactive elements, laying the groundwork for the medical application of these discoveries.

Discovery of Radioactivity (1896)

  • Henri Becquerel’s Discovery: Henri Becquerel’s discovery of natural radioactivity in 1896 was a landmark moment. Investigating phosphorescence in uranium salts, he unexpectedly found that these salts emitted rays that could penetrate solid objects and fog photographic plates, similar to the recently discovered X-rays by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen. This revelation of natural radioactive emissions set the stage for a new field of scientific inquiry.
  • Impact on Medicine: Becquerel’s discovery was not immediately linked to medicine. However, it opened a path to understanding atomic structure and radioactivity, which would later prove crucial for diagnostic and therapeutic applications in medicine.

Marie Curie’s Contributions

  • Discoveries of Radium and Polonium: Marie Curie, along with her husband Pierre, extended Becquerel’s work, discovering new radioactive elements – radium and polonium. These discoveries were monumental, as Curie isolated and characterised these elements, demonstrating their unique properties.
  • Foundations for Medical Application: Marie Curie’s pioneering research helped establish the fundamental principles of radioactivity. Her work led to the realisation that radioactive substances could be used to study and treat diseases, especially with the notable intensity and energy of the radiation emitted by radium.

First Medical Use of Radioactive Isotopes (1913)

  • Georg de Hevesy’s Experiment: The first recorded use of radionuclides in medicine was in 1913 by Georg de Hevesy. He used lead-212, a radioactive isotope, to investigate the absorption and translocation of lead in plant systems.
  • Significance for Nuclear Medicine: While Hevesy’s experiment was primarily botanical, it demonstrated the potential of using radioactive isotopes as tracers. This concept would become central to nuclear medicine, allowing doctors to track the movement and concentration of substances within the body.


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